[ITK] Unresolved __imp_UuidCreate

Fijoy Vadakkumpadan tofijoy at gmail.com
Thu Feb 2 15:05:29 EST 2017


I'm trying to link to ITK static libraries in Windows from an application,
and getting the following error. Does anyone know how to resolve this?

libitkgdcmMSFF-4.10-debug.lib(gdcmUIDGenerator.obj) : error LNK2019:
unresolved external symbol __imp_UuidCreate referenced in function "public:
char const * __cdecl gdcm::UIDGenerator::Generate(void)"

The ITK libraries were generated using CMake and Microsoft Visual Studio
Express 2013 (in Release mode). I used the default configuration options in
CMake, except that I turned BUILD_TESTING and BUILD_EXAMPLES to OFF, and I
changed CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to a desired directory. I know that one of the
libraries, libitkgdcmuuid-4.10, was not generated during the build. Is this
the issue? If so, is there a CMake option that will generate the library?

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