[ITK] [ITK-users] Segmentation fault (core dumped) Geodesic Active Shape guidance 3D

Robert scorpiuni at gmail.com
Mon May 30 12:52:24 EDT 2016

Following is the valgrind output, after the last itk debug message:

==22787== Invalid read of size 4
==22787==    at 0x570006:
itk::NearestNeighborExtrapolateImageFunction<itk::Image<float, 3u>,
double>::EvaluateAtContinuousIndex(itk::ContinuousIndex<double, 3u> const&)
const (in
==22787==    by 0x52C15A: itk::ExtrapolateImageFunction<itk::Image<float,
3u>, double>::Evaluate(itk::Point<double, 3u> const&) const (in
==22787==    by 0x4FF675: itk::PCAShapeSignedDistanceFunction<double, 3u,
itk::Image<float, 3u> >::Evaluate(itk::Point<double, 3u> const&) const
==22787==    by 0x4F9DAF:
itk::ShapePriorMAPCostFunction<itk::Image<float, 3u>,
float>::ComputeLogInsideTerm(itk::OptimizerParameters<double> const&) const
==22787==    by 0x4F9389:
itk::ShapePriorMAPCostFunctionBase<itk::Image<float, 3u>,
float>::GetValue(itk::OptimizerParameters<double> const&) const (in
==22787==    by 0x71A7C10:
itk::OnePlusOneEvolutionaryOptimizer::StartOptimization() (in
==22787==    by 0x509838:
itk::ShapePriorSegmentationLevelSetImageFilter<itk::Image<float, 3u>,
itk::Image<float, 3u>, float>::InitializeIteration() (in
==22787==    by 0x513000:
itk::FiniteDifferenceImageFilter<itk::Image<float, 3u>, itk::Image<float,
3u> >::GenerateData() (in
==22787==    by 0x50E846:
itk::SegmentationLevelSetImageFilter<itk::Image<float, 3u>,
itk::Image<float, 3u>, float>::GenerateData() (in
==22787==    by 0x50DA52:
itk::ShapePriorSegmentationLevelSetImageFilter<itk::Image<float, 3u>,
itk::Image<float, 3u>, float>::GenerateData() (in
==22787==    by 0x507341:
3u>, itk::Image<float, 3u>, float>::GenerateData() (in
==22787==    by 0x78A89CF:
itk::ProcessObject::UpdateOutputData(itk::DataObject*) (in
==22787==  Address 0xfffffffffffffffc is not stack'd, malloc'd or (recently)
==22787== Process terminating with default action of signal 11 (SIGSEGV)
==22787==  Access not within mapped region at address 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFC
==22787==    at 0x570006:
itk::NearestNeighborExtrapolateImageFunction<itk::Image<float, 3u>,
double>::EvaluateAtContinuousIndex(itk::ContinuousIndex<double, 3u> const&)
const (in
==22787==    by 0x52C15A: itk::ExtrapolateImageFunction<itk::Image<float,
3u>, double>::Evaluate(itk::Point<double, 3u> const&) const (in
==22787==    by 0x4FF675: itk::PCAShapeSignedDistanceFunction<double, 3u,
itk::Image<float, 3u> >::Evaluate(itk::Point<double, 3u> const&) const
==22787==    by 0x4F9DAF:
itk::ShapePriorMAPCostFunction<itk::Image<float, 3u>,
float>::ComputeLogInsideTerm(itk::OptimizerParameters<double> const&) const
==22787==    by 0x4F9389:
itk::ShapePriorMAPCostFunctionBase<itk::Image<float, 3u>,
float>::GetValue(itk::OptimizerParameters<double> const&) const (in
==22787==    by 0x71A7C10:
itk::OnePlusOneEvolutionaryOptimizer::StartOptimization() (in
==22787==    by 0x509838:
itk::ShapePriorSegmentationLevelSetImageFilter<itk::Image<float, 3u>,
itk::Image<float, 3u>, float>::InitializeIteration() (in
==22787==    by 0x513000:
itk::FiniteDifferenceImageFilter<itk::Image<float, 3u>, itk::Image<float,
3u> >::GenerateData() (in
==22787==    by 0x50E846:
itk::SegmentationLevelSetImageFilter<itk::Image<float, 3u>,
itk::Image<float, 3u>, float>::GenerateData() (in
==22787==    by 0x50DA52:
itk::ShapePriorSegmentationLevelSetImageFilter<itk::Image<float, 3u>,
itk::Image<float, 3u>, float>::GenerateData() (in
==22787==    by 0x507341:
3u>, itk::Image<float, 3u>, float>::GenerateData() (in
==22787==    by 0x78A89CF:
itk::ProcessObject::UpdateOutputData(itk::DataObject*) (in
==22787==  If you believe this happened as a result of a stack
==22787==  overflow in your program's main thread (unlikely but
==22787==  possible), you can try to increase the size of the
==22787==  main thread stack using the --main-stacksize= flag.
==22787==  The main thread stack size used in this run was 8388608.
==22787== HEAP SUMMARY:
==22787==     in use at exit: 10,936,003 bytes in 71,849 blocks
==22787==   total heap usage: 108,116 allocs, 36,267 frees, 19,278,417 bytes
==22787== LEAK SUMMARY:
==22787==    definitely lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==22787==    indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==22787==      possibly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==22787==    still reachable: 10,936,003 bytes in 71,849 blocks
==22787==                       of which reachable via heuristic:
==22787==                         stdstring          : 1,975,699 bytes in
45,818 blocks
==22787==         suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==22787== Reachable blocks (those to which a pointer was found) are not
==22787== To see them, rerun with: --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all
==22787== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
==22787== ERROR SUMMARY: 1 errors from 1 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

View this message in context: http://itk-insight-users.2283740.n2.nabble.com/Segmentation-fault-core-dumped-Geodesic-Active-Shape-guidance-3D-tp7588930p7588933.html
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