[ITK] itk extract filter not working properly

Timothee Evain tevain at telecom-paristech.fr
Tue May 24 04:40:43 EDT 2016


What do you mean by "reduce the size" ? Are you trying to transform your input image into a smaller one (i.e. resampling) or are you expecting to get just a part of the original image ?
Given that you are using the ExtractImageFilter, I assume the later. 
First, if you need to extract a 256*256*12 volume, the size should be of [256,256,12], not [128,128,12], given that the index is just the position of the extraction.
Second, the error seems to indicate that the output image type is not consistent with your ROI, ensure the OutputImageType is 3D.
Remember to set a collapse strategy when using the ExtractImageFilter, or use the RegionOfInterestImageFilter since you don't seem to need dimensionality reduction.


----- Mail original -----
De: weiehome at sina.com
À: community at itk.org
Envoyé: Mardi 24 Mai 2016 08:46:08
Objet: [ITK] itk extract filter not working properly

Hi itk experts, 

I need to reduce the size of a 3d ct volume from original [512,512,64] to [256,256,12]. 
i was trying to apply a simple ExtractimageFilter with Index [128,128,0] and size [128,128,12],and it keeps showing me the exception " Extraction Region not consistent with Output image"? 

I checked my input 3d image volume is corret , but what is the problem with the exception? 

Thank you ! 

weiehome at sina.com 

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