[ITK] [ITK-users] Switching between debug and release libaraies in Visual Studio

Tao Zhao Tao.Zhao at intusurg.com
Thu May 19 23:40:40 EDT 2016


This might be a cmake question but it is related on how to use itk.

I built ITK in both debug and release modes and had them installed under

-        Debug

-        Release

I would like my application to link against ITK debug libs in debug mode and release libs in release mode. I can easily do this under qtcreator. However when I am using Visual Studio, ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE} does not take effect. I know there is a way if the libs are in one folder but have different names. I was wondering how can I achieve this with standard ITK set up (i.e., not using different names but using different path for debug and release libs).

Thank you very much!


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