[ITK] ITK 4.9 gdcmDicomDir

Eva Monclus emonclus at cs.upc.edu
Thu May 19 08:33:29 EDT 2016


I have been using ITK 3.6 for several years. Now, I'm trying to migrate 
all my code to the new version of itk (4.9) and I'm having some problems 
with respect to gdcm support.
When using ITK 3.6 there was a class gdcm::DicomDir which was very 
useful to parse recursively a folder with Dicom files.  This class 
helped me to print for each pacient, its set of studies and for each 
study, you could obtain its set of series. The goal is to fill in an 
"Open DICOM" dialog with such information, in
order to let the user load a single DICOM Series. I would like to show 
to the user the set of Dicom series sorted by patient and study.

In itk 4.9, is there any helper class to explore  available DICOM Series 
and/or Studies in a folder with DICOM files and subfolders?

Thanks in advance,

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