[ITK] [ITK-users] SimpleITK - Transform construction

Sami Koho sami.koho at gmail.com
Wed May 11 06:18:51 EDT 2016


I am planning to save SimpleITK spatial transforms into a HDF5 file, as image attributes. 

I have divided the transform into three arguments:

1. params =  transform.GetParameters() 
2. fixed_params = transform.GetFixedParameters()
3. transform_type = an integer based on the TransformEnum 

I tried to rebuild the transform from those parameters using the constructor: 

> itk::simple::Transform::Transform 	(unsigned int 	dimensions, TransformEnum 	type)

and then setting the fixed and moving parameters. This appears to work fine.

There are a couple of small problems however:

1. In the itk::simple::Transform Class Reference it is written that the said constructor is Deprecated. What would be the up-to-date method for constructing a specific Transform?

2. Is there a way of extracting the type of a Transform from an existing spatial transform? I tried transform.GetName() and type(transform).__name__, but both produce ‘Transform’, instead of the specific transform Name.


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