[ITK] [ITK-users] Registration performance regression on machines with large number of cores

Anchit Dhar Anchit.Dhar at mathworks.com
Tue May 3 17:28:35 EDT 2016


We are registering two images using the 'MultiResolutionImageRegistrationMethod' in ITK v4.8 and are seeing a performance degradation on machines with large number of cores.

We use the MultiResolutionImageRegistrationMethod with RegularStepGradientDescent optimizer and MeanSquares metric.

Two separate issues are observed here:

1. Performance degradation of image registration on machines with higher number of cores as compared to ones with lower number.

A Dual-core machine showed better performance with the image registration than one with 20 cores. The performance degradation observed on a machine with 20 physical cores and also on one with 6 physical (12 logical cores).

2. Performance degradation of image registration on subsequent runs on the same machine (with higher number of cores)

The performance of registration continuously regresses on subsequent runs within an application session. This issue gets resolved on setting the number of cores to a lower number (setting to number of physical cores rather than logical cores)

I have gone ahead and created the a bug for this issue.

Has anyone else had similar experiences with the multi-threaded MultiResolutionImageRegistrationMethod?

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