[ITK] [ITK-users] convert affine transform to scale versor 3D transform

Hammond, Emily M emily-hammond at uiowa.edu
Fri Mar 25 15:26:29 EDT 2016


I am trying to read in an affine transform from a file and convert it to a scale versor 3D transform. To do this I wish to manually define the matrix in the versor transform and then manually define the translation. Thus far, I have run into some difficulties in manually setting the matrix. As far as I can tell it is as basic as this one line of code.

affineTransform is of itk::AffineTransform< double >

versorTransform is of itk::ScaleVersor3DTransform< double >

versorTransform->SetMatrix( affineTransform->GetMatrix() );

However, I am getting some runtime errors and I cannot figure out why. Both my versor transform and my affine transform are defined so I am not trying to access something that does not exist. Can anyone give me some insight as to why this member function may not work or if there is a better way to go about converting from affine to versor based transform?

Emily Hammond
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