[ITK] Using ITK Toolkit with XCode 7 on iMac: starting point needed

Tünde Szilágyi a.tunde.szilagyi at gmail.com
Thu Mar 10 22:03:49 EST 2016

Dear All,

I would like to create image analysis projects that build on the
functionalities available in ITK Toolkit.

I have downloaded and built the ITK Toolkit successfully using CMake and
run projects from the command line. I managed to run both the Hello Word!
project and a more complicated one that performed skull stripping for 3D
brain images. All this was done on the command line.

I would like to continue building projects in XCode to be able to debug/
develop them and write my own algorithm instead of using scripts only.
To-date I have not managed to do this. I have placed my new project in the
same library that the ITK libraries were built, but the new project cannot
find the header files. In the new XCode I could not find the
functionalities that were referred to in older versions of XCode to set the
search path.

If possible, I would like to have an example project that uses ITK Toolkit

I have never really used ITK Toolkit in an IDE on a different platform (OS)
either, therefore, I would appreciate if the comments I receive is for a
first time user.

Many thanks in advance.

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