[ITK] [ITK-dev] New Image Filter for Submission

David Burns david.mo.burns at gmail.com
Thu Oct 15 14:48:20 EDT 2015

Dear Insight Developers,

I have developed an image filter that may be useful to the community. 
Please let me know if you think this is the case, and I will submit it 
to the Journal.

The filter produces a subsampled version of the input image, where the 
output image has the same output dimensions (Size[i]*Spacing[i]) but 
with the number of pixels (Size[i]) scaled down by a factor (factor[i]) 
across the dimensions. The pixels of the output image are an average 
over the input pixels they overlap. The filter verifies/ensures that 
factor[i] is an exact factor of the input image Size[i], so that the 
image properties remain unchanged by the filter.

I found this to be useful for my registration task to produce a lower 
resolution image very quickly, without needing to use itk:: 
ResampleImageFilter, interpolation or smoothing.

I've attached a screenshot of an xray, subsampled / averaged by a factor 
of 4 in x and y. Let me know your thoughts?

David Burns
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