[ITK] [ITK-users] Segfault in Wiki Example: QuadEdgeMeshParameterizationFilter

DVigneault davis.vigneault at gmail.com
Fri Jun 5 11:09:17 EDT 2015


While running the QuadEdgeMesh Parameterization example from the wiki [1]
using the provided spherical mesh, I got a segfault on

InputIteratorGeom it = bdryEdge->BeginGeomLnext();

The options I used were ./program sphere.vtk 0 0 output.vtk

After some investigation, I believe it may be that sphere.vtk has no
internal edges.  Therefore, BorderQuadEdgeMeshFilter::Evaluate is returning
an empty std::list, and list->Begin() is eventually dereferenced on the
above line.  Should an itkWarningMacro() or itkExceptionMacro() be placed
before the above line, checking whether the list is empty?  Or should this
be on the user?


One other thing that's a bit confusing--if I pass ./program sphere.vtk 1 0
there is no segfault in the wiki example.  In the small program below,
however, it segfaults in either case.

Here's a program that describes the problem:

#include "itkRegularSphereMeshSource.h"
#include "itkBorderQuadEdgeMeshFilter.h"

typedef itk::QuadEdgeMesh< double, 3 >                TMesh;
typedef itk::RegularSphereMeshSource< TMesh > TSource;
typedef itk::QuadEdgeMeshBoundaryEdgesMeshFunction< TMesh > TBorderFunction;
typedef itk::BorderQuadEdgeMeshFilter< TMesh, TMesh > TBorder;
int main( int argc, char* argv[] )

  TSource::Pointer source = TSource::New();
  TMesh::Pointer mesh = source->GetOutput();

  TBorderFunction::Pointer fn = TBorderFunction::New();
  TMesh::EdgeListPointerType list = fn->Evaluate( *(mesh) );
  std::cout << list->size() << std::endl; // 0
  // A sphere has no internal edges
  // Returns a std::list size zero
  TBorder::Pointer border = TBorder::New();
  border->SetTransformType( TBorder::SQUARE_BORDER_TRANSFORM );
  // Segfaults even if I change this to DISK_BORDER_TRANSFORM
  border->SetInput( mesh );
  border->Update(); // Segfault
  // itkBorderQuadEdgeMeshFilter.hxx:110
  // empty std::list is assigned to oborder_it
  // for loop is bypassed b/c list->begin() == list->end()
  // InputQEType* output = *oborder_it;
  // return output; from ComputeLongestBorder
  // InputQEType *bdryEdge = ComputeLongestBorder();

  // Segfault:
  // itkBoarderQuadEdgeMeshFilter.hxx:75
  // InputIteratorGeom it = bdryEdge->BeginGeomLnext();

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;


View this message in context: http://itk-users.7.n7.nabble.com/Segfault-in-Wiki-Example-QuadEdgeMeshParameterizationFilter-tp35771.html
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