[ITK] SimpleITK compatibility issues

Zeyen, Max mzeyen at lanl.gov
Tue Jul 28 16:27:42 EDT 2015

Hi Ziv,

creating an sitk environment did the trick.


From: <Yaniv>, "Ziv Rafael [C] (NIH/NLM/LHC)" <zivrafael.yaniv at nih.gov<mailto:zivrafael.yaniv at nih.gov>>
Date: Monday, July 27, 2015 at 2:24 PM
To: First name Last name <mzeyen at lanl.gov<mailto:mzeyen at lanl.gov>>, "community at itk.org<mailto:community at itk.org>" <community at itk.org<mailto:community at itk.org>>
Subject: Re: [ITK] SimpleITK compatibility issues

Hi Max,

The 0.9 SimpleITK release is compiled against the libpng1.5, so if you are using the binary from binstar you will have to use the old matplotlib.

If using the latest matplotlib is not critical for you, then the following recipe for creating a virtual environment (sitkpy) should work:

conda create -n sitkpy anaconda libpng=1.5

conda install -c https://conda.binstar.org/simpleitk/channel/main SimpleITK

conda install libpng=1.5

This (1) creates the virtual environment with our choice of libpng version, all other anaconda packages (i.e. matplotlib) will be compatible with this version; (2) install SimpleITK which will unfortunately upgrade you to libpng 1.6 (our bad) and then (3) downgrade to libpng 1.5 so that everything really works.

If you are willing to compile SimpleITK on your machine you (will always be compatible with the libpng, matplotlib,... versions you have):

If conda-build is not installed, then install it:
conda install conda-build

Get the SimpleITK conda build recipe from github:
git clone https://github.com/conda/conda-recipes.git

Build SimpleITK:
cd conda-recipes
conda-build SimpleITK

hope this helps

From: "Zeyen, Max" <mzeyen at lanl.gov<mailto:mzeyen at lanl.gov>>
Date: Monday, July 27, 2015 at 12:21 PM
To: "community at itk.org<mailto:community at itk.org>" <community at itk.org<mailto:community at itk.org>>
Subject: [ITK] SimpleITK compatibility issues

Hi All,

I am using SimpleITK with Anaconda for Python 2.7.10. After installing SimpleITK from binstar, I was only able to import SimpleITK after downgrading libpng to version 1.5.13. However, this downgrade is causing problems with other packages using libpng in some way (e.g. matplotlib).
Is there a way to use the newer libpng library instead with SimpleITK or would that cause problems for ITK itself?


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