[ITK] Win64 Visual Studio 12 segfaults

Niels Dekker niels-xtk at xs4all.nl
Tue Jan 27 18:41:04 EST 2015

Bradley Lowekamp wrote on Jan 27, 2015:
> It is not clear to me from those comments if they are going
> to fix it in VS12, or not.

I don't know either...  and I don't know how to convince Microsoft to 
fix those bugs in VS12.  I think these two compiler bugs are quite 
severe, they even affect plain ANSI C code (as standardized in 1989)! 
But in fact, while the bugs were introduced with the very first 
release of VS12 (2013), no user presented a simple, minimal repro case 
for these bugs, apparently, until we did, just a few weeks ago. And 
VS12 already has had four updates. So it may be just too late now, to 
have them fixed in VS12. What do you think?

> I tries out the VS2015 preview[1] and it looks pretty good with some patches.


> p.s I am not able to view the links you provided to Microsoft Connect

Oops, I made a typo in the first link! HTTPS may also slow things 
down.  Please try again:

"Compiler generates divpd instruction on non-aligned data"

"[C/C++] VS2013 x64 Release (/O2) fatal error C1001 on narrowing 
integer conversions..."

Kind regards, Niels
Niels Dekker
Scientific programmer at LKEB, Leiden University Medical Center

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