[ITK] [ITK-users] itk Canny segmentation level set on 3d data

reks rekha.pyage at gmail.com
Mon Jan 12 02:42:22 EST 2015

Hi all,

I am trying to make use of itkCannySegmentationLevelSet 2d example on 3d
data. Here I am giving the output of thresholdsegmentationlevelset as one of
the input to the filter and input image as the feature input. I am giving
The parameters to this filter as given in 2d example( canny threshold=7.0,
CannyVariance= 0.1 ,AdvectionScaling=10.0,IsoSurfaceValue=
127.5,NumberOfIterations= 15) but I am not getting the expected output. I am
getting thresholdsegmentationlevelset output as it is as the cannylevelset
output. do I have to change the parameters to this filter ? I dont know
where I am going wrong. please do help me..

any help will be appreciated.
thanks in advance.


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