[ITK] [ITK-users] CT/MR Registration using ITK

Jerome Plumat j.plumat at auckland.ac.nz
Tue Jan 6 21:56:00 EST 2015

Hi Matias,
you should look for multimodal algorithms with metrics such as Mutual 
Information. Have a look to ITK software guide book 2 section 3.5.
Hope it helps.

Jerome Plumat
School of Medical Sciences
University of Auckland

If I am not for myself, who will be for me? And if I am only for myself, then what an I? And if not now when? – Hillel HaZaken

On 07/01/15 13:16, Matias Montroull wrote:
> I'm trying to do registration of the 2 attached images (test) to 
> implement CT/RM Registration, which is the best algorithm to achieve 
> the best results?
> Hi,
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