[ITK] Compile ITK 4.7.0 with System HDF5

Michael Jackson mike.jackson at bluequartz.net
Thu Feb 19 13:19:05 EST 2015

HDF5 1.8.14 generates those cmake files that are needed but the version 
included with ITK is only 1.8.12 which did not have all of the newer 
cmake improvements in 1.8.14. The issue is that I had to set all of the 
HDF5 related variables which even for someone who has lots of CMake 
experience can be an issue. The biggest problem I had was that even 
though I would set HDF5_DIR to one directory, ITK seemed to simply 
ignore those settings (made through theCMake-GUI app) and use "something 
else". I just have no idea where it came up with the paths that ITK 
decided to use. After lots of changing things and lots of iterations I 
was finally able to convince ITK to compile against the System HDF5. One 
of the issues was that once I got paths set and sticking from configure 
to configure I still had to manually fill out:


as it was only picking up the Debug libraries. And since I'm on Visual 
Studio linking a release build of something against a Debug build of 
something is bad news.

How hard is it going to be to update the ITK build system with the newer 
version of HDF5? Can it try the "new" way to find HDF5 with 
Find_Package() and a fall back to previous behavior if not found? The 
big issue for us is that our project already uses HDF5 and we are trying 
to bring in ITK for image processing. But the configuration of ITK is 
stopping us in our tracks. After fighting my way through this all 
yesterday afternoon I finally got it to work. Now I just need to relay 
these convoluted directions to the rest of my developers.

Thanks for any suggestions
Mike Jackson
> Matt McCormick <mailto:matt.mccormick at kitware.com>
> Wednesday, February 18, 2015 9:21 PM
> Hi Mike,
> More guidance may be required when configuring against a system HDF5.
> HDF5 currently uses CMake as a secondary build system configuration,
> and some of its configurations could be improved.
> Setting HDF5_DIR on the first configure may help. Also, helping
> upstream improve their CMake configuration is a good idea :-). CMake
> has every improving guidance on cmake packages [1].
> Thanks,
> Matt
> [1] http://www.cmake.org/cmake/help/v3.2/manual/cmake-packages.7.html
> On Wed, Feb 18, 2015 at 6:34 PM, Michael Jackson
> Michael Jackson <mailto:mike.jackson at bluequartz.net>
> Wednesday, February 18, 2015 6:34 PM
> I have recently built HDF5 version 1.8.14 on my Windows 8.1 machine 
> using Visual Studio 2013 compilers. Now when I configure ITK 4.7.1 to 
> build using the "System HDF5" it picks up the installation of 
> HDF5-1.8.14 in the C:/Users/mjackson/Workspace/hdf5-1.8.14 instead of 
> the actual installation location of C:/DREAM3D_SDK/hdf5-1.8.14
> Then when I attempt to actually compile ITK I get a compile error that 
> says it can not find include file "H5Cpp.h".
> So I rerun CMake and set the HDF5_DIR 
> to C:/DREAM3D_SDK/hdf5-1.8.14/cmake/hdf5 and configure.
> I have also noticed that I have to manually set the HDF5_LIBRARIES to 
> include both the debug and release versions of the libraries.
> I have never had to manually enter all this kind of information before 
> with CMake projects. I am wondering if I just missing something simple 
> with HDF5?
> Thanks
> _________________________________________________________
> Mike Jackson mike.jackson at bluequartz.net 
> <mailto:mike.jackson at bluequartz.net>
> BlueQuartz Software www.bluequartz.net <http://www.bluequartz.net>
> Principal Software Engineer                  Dayton, Ohio

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