[ITK] [ITK-users] Rigid3DTransform make error

yagoDiez yagodiezdonoso at gmail.com
Mon Feb 9 06:13:51 EST 2015

Some more information on this:

The details mentioned by  Nicholas Tustison are here:


I encountered a similar problem to the one originating the thread (just
migrated to itk 4.7). I solved it by using the itkv3 rigid transformation


So, all you would need to do is change the typedef to 

typedef itkv3::Rigid3DTransform<double>  TransformType;


include the following file.

#include <itkv3Rigid3DTransform.h>

Probably just using the itk 3 compatibility flag would also work.

In my case, I used this solution because I needed to use the setmatrix (with
orthogonality tolerance) function with a previously computed rotation
matrix. I don't feel too happy about it but I did not see a direct way to
use the versor3D class (which I do use for my "normal" rigid registrations
and encourage others to use). Will post again if I get a better solution.

View this message in context: http://itk-insight-users.2283740.n2.nabble.com/Rigid3DTransform-make-error-tp7160305p7586887.html
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