[ITK] [ANN] ITK 4.9 Release Candidate 2 is ready for testing!

Matt McCormick matt.mccormick at kitware.com
Wed Dec 2 10:26:19 EST 2015

On behalf of the Insight Toolkit community, we are proud to announce that
ITK 4.9 release candidate 2 has been tagged and is available for testing!
Please take this opportunity to test the new features in the release

To obtain the source code,

  git clone http://itk.org/ITK.git
 cd ITK
 git checkout -q --detach v4.9rc02

For more details, please see the Git documentation [1].

A few selected highlights for this release:

* New Remote modules: the Cuberille module for smooth generation of meshes
from binary segmentation images, and the AnisotropicDiffusionLBR module
improved edge-preserving smoothing.
* Build your own ITK module outside the source tree, add continuous
integration testing on GitHub, and easily add Python wrapping for your C++
* Python wrapping, including Python 3, builds faster with a more standard
* Improved performance of itk::Image::GetPixel and operations on
* Generate a FlatStructuringElement from an image
* Point-set registration with time-varying B-splines
* Module dependencies can now be specified as public / private / compile /

Please test the release candidate and share your experiences on the mailing
list, issue tracker, and Gerrit Code Review. The new module dependency
specification mechanism may unearth missing dependencies for projects that
use ITK COMPONENTS with the CMake find_package command.

An Experimental build, which demonstrates how the test suite performs on
your local build system, can be submitted to the dashboard [2] with:

  mkdir ../ITK-build
  cd ../ITK-build
  cmake ../ITK
 ctest -j 4 -M Experimental  -T Configure -T Build -T Test -T Submit

Visual Studio builds must also add “-C Release” to the ctest command.

Notify the mailing list if there are any unexpected failures.  Testing your
own applications against the RC is also appreciated.

Congratulations and well done to the 35 contributors to this release. We
would especially like to recognize the new contributors: Mikhail Isakov,
Betsy McPhail, Alexander Leinoff, Shawn Waldon, Tobias Wood, Seun Odutola,
Hyun Jae Kang, Lucas Gandel, Adam Snyder, Junjie Bai, Pablo
Hernandez-Cerdan, Abhishek Tiwari, Eugene Prilepin, Zach Williamson, Luc
Hermitte, Laurentiu Nicola, and Floris Berendsen.

The final release is scheduled for mid-December.

[1] http://www.itk.org/Wiki/ITK/Git

[2] http://open.cdash.org/index.php?project=Insight

New Features

* Wrapping improvements
* Python 3 supported
* Wrapping builds much faster due to CastXML binaries
* LandmarkBasedTransformInitializer now wrapped
* NumPy bridge with VisualStudio
* Wrapping for the MinimalPathExtraction module
* Wrapping is now installed into Python’s site-packages directory in the
“itk” package
* Wrapping package size is decreased
* Better package portability on Mac OSX

* New Remote Modules
* Cuberille
   * Insight Journal Article: http://hdl.handle.net/10380/3186
* AnisotropicDiffusionLBR
   * Insight Journal Article: http://hdl.handle.net/10380/3505
   * Web browser reproducibility: http://www.kitware.com/blog/home/post/942

* Core Improvements
* External Modules can now be developed outside of the ITK source tree and
on GitHub
   * Details: http://www.kitware.com/blog/home/post/997
* New utilities in itk::Math:
   * AlmostEquals
   * NotAlmostEquals
   * ExactlyEquals
   * NotExactlyEquals
* New itk::NumericTraits
   * IsInteger
   * IsSigned
* Improved C++11 support
   * New ITK_DELETE_FUNCTION macro for “=delete”
   * New ITK_NOEXCEPT macro for the “noexcept” keyword
* Improved capabilities of itk::ResourceProbe and
* Improve numerical stability in VNL eigen system estimation
* itksys_ios:: and itksys_stl:: have been remove (use std::)

* Filtering Improvements
* Generate a FlatStructuringElement from an image
* WarpImageFilter support VectorImage’s
* ConvertLabelMap supports different LabelMap types
* ImageToPathFilter moved from the ITKReview to the ITKPath module
* itk::MovingHistogramImageFilter moved to the ITKImageFilterBase module

* Registration Improvements
* Point-set registration with time-varying B-splines

* Build Improvements
* Module dependencies can now be specified as public / private / compile /
* BUILD_EXAMPLES CMake option is now OFF by default
* Option to export all library symbols on Windows:
   * Details: http://www.kitware.com/blog/home/post/939
* Expat third party library is now name mangled
* Many more modules can be built as shared libraries
* KWStyle is automatically built and configured when tests are built

* Performance Improvements
* New MetaProgrammingLibrary namespace (itk::mpl) holds members for
   * itk::mpl::{TrueType,FalseType}
   * itk::mpl::{If,Not,And,Or,Xor}
   * itk::mpl::EnableIf
   * itk::mpl::IsBaseOf
   * itk::mpl::IsConvertible
   * itk::mpl::IsNumber
   * itk::mpl::IsSame
   * itk::mpl::PromoteType
* Image::GetPixel performance improvements
* Many itk::VariableLengthVector performance improvements
* AdaptiveHistogramEqualization uses a moving histogram
* WarpImageFilter performance improvements

* Documentation Improvements
* Updates to the Software Guide, Doxygen, Wiki and Sphinx Examples
* ITK Software Guide improvements
   * How to use Python wrapping
   * How to create an ITK module
   * Improvements to segmentation examples
   * Expanded Canny edge detection example
   * Expanded tree container example

* Third Party Library Updates
* FFTW updated to latest upstream
* Build with recent OpenCV 2 and 3
* Build with the latest VTK
* PNG update to the latest upstream
* GDCM updated to the latest upstream
* KWSys updated to the latest upstream
* MINC updated to the latest upstream
* SWIG updated to the latest upstream
* Third party PNG and MINC are now Git subtrees

* Style improvements -- ITK gets more stylish with every release!
* Private copy constructors and operator= use ITK_DELETE_FUNCTION

* Improved code coverage -- we are at 84.9%!

* *Lots* of important bug fixes

* And much more! See details in the log below.

Changes from v4.9rc01..v4.9rc02

Bill Lorensen (1):
      BUG: Valgrind detected an invalid read

Davis Vigneault (1):
      STYLE: Address some warnings when running cppcheck

Hyun Jae Kang (2):
      COMP: Fixed a warning message of data-conversion on VS14
      COMP: Update KWStyle to remove format-string warning message

Matthew McCormick (3):
      DOC: Remove invalid wrapping example.
      BUG: Wrap AdaptiveEqualizationHistogram.
      COMP: Ignore Doxygen endcond warning in itkIsConvertible.h.

Seun Odutola (1):
      COMP: Corrected minc2.h path installation from libsrc2/minc2.h to

Ziv Yaniv (2):
      BUG: Affine transformation was estimated without sufficient number of
      BUG: fixed BSpline initializer crash when reference image not set.

Errors or omissions? Please fix them here:

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