[ITK] Win64 SimpleITK build error: NMAKE : fatal error U1095 (command line too long)

Philip Semanchuk ond at semanchuk.com
Thu Aug 13 11:22:06 EDT 2015

I’m new to CMake and SimpleITK, and I’m trying to use the former to build a 64-bit version of the latter on Windows 7 with Microsoft Visual C++ for Python 2.7. I’m using the “SuperBuild” instructions from here:

I’m running into a problem where a build.make file creates a shell command that’s almost 5400 characters long. This leads to:
NMAKE : fatal error U1095: expanded command line [blah blah blah x 5400] too long

The root cause of the problem is that all of the CMake config variables are being passed on the command line (e.g,. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=RELEASE -DCMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM:STRING=nmake etc.).

Since I’m new to CMake and SimpleITK, I’m a little lost as to where I should look to resolve this problem, but my hunch is that I should start with SimpleITK. If I’m in the wrong place, would someone be kind enough to guide me elsewhere?

I can post my build config and steps if that would help. 


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