[ITK] [ITK-users] Generating a warping field with ThinPlateSplineKernelTransform

Siavash Khallaghi siavashk at ece.ubc.ca
Tue Aug 4 17:13:16 EDT 2015

Having your exact code (on the small chance that it differs from the
example), your data, and the argument list would help in debugging your
problem. But in the mean time, you can try the following to see where the
problem lies:

1. If you write out the defomation field and view it in the context of your
volume in a 3rd party software (e.g., Paraview), what would you see? Would
it make sense in terms of smoothness and direction?

2. Is the deformed volume (output of itk::ResmapleImageFilter) different
compared to the input volume? In other words, is the resampler doing

3. If you invert the deformation field, would your deformed volume be the
output that you expect? You can do this by swapping source and target


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