[ITK] [ITK-users] ITK number of cores

Brecht Heyde Brecht.Heyde at med.kuleuven.be
Tue May 20 11:43:40 EDT 2014

Dear all,


When migrating from ITK 3.# to ITK 4.#, I've noticed that the total number
of cores are not being read/set properly anymore.


Taking the itkSystemInformation.cxx example in the
...\Modules\Core\Common\test directory and printing
mySys.GetNumberOfPhysicalCPU() gives me:

- 4 (in ITK3.#), which is correct for my quad-core machine

- 0 (in ITK4.#), which is wrong


Could someone provide me a hint as to why I'm seeing this behavior in the
first place? Is a global variable set wrong when building ITK?


Furthermore, initializing a filter which supports multithreading and


gives me:

- 4 (in ITK3.#)

- 1 (in ITK4.#)


I assumed that ITK sets the default number of threads always equal to the
total number of cores?

How can I know if my filter is actually using all my cores?


Kind regards,

Brecht Heyde

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