[ITK] [ITK-users] 4D Dicom sorting

Nadieh Khalili nady.khalily at gmail.com
Wed Jul 23 05:19:58 EDT 2014

I have 4D DCE images and already wrote a code to order and make 3d images
from 4D dicom images, for sorting of images, I used acquisition number from
dicom tags and divide total number of slices to got slice number, but in
two of my data the acquisition number is not true(don't know why). So when
I look at 3D image, it is one and half of normal image. I am thinking to
use slice number tags directly( 0054,0081) but because I have 3d images, my
program just crash during debugging. Do you have any idea how to use that?
any other ideas for achieving slice number are well com.

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