[ITK] [ITK-users] (no subject)

Harnish, Roy Roy.Harnish at ucsf.edu
Mon Jul 14 20:19:37 EDT 2014


I'm wondering if there is a procedure for adding a dicom dictionary to those that are used by the GDCMImageIO, or a way to parse a private field by furnishing the pertinent info to the right method.  I'm trying to access the field 0119,1030, which is pretty much a 3d version of ImageOrientationPatient.  I have no problem seeing the field in a dcmdump of an image that contains the field, but am having trouble getting my program to handle the field properly.  Here's what a dcmdump of the field looks like:

cbl-mbp-3369:Release rharnish$ dcmdump dce.dcm | grep -i imageor
(0020,0037) DS [-1\-0\0\-0\-1\0]                        #  16, 6 ImageOrientationPatient
cbl-mbp-3369:Release rharnish$ dcmdump dce.dcm | grep -i 0119,1030
(0119,1030) DS [-1\-0\0\-0\-1\0\0\0\1]                  #  22, 9 Unknown Tag & Data
cbl-mbp-3369:Release rharnish$

This is a section of code that tires to parse the field:

    std::string tagkey = "0119|1030";
//    std::string tagkey = "0020|0037";
    std::string labelId;
    std::string value;

    if( gdcmImageIO->GetValueFromTag(tagkey, value) )
        std::cout << tagkey << ":  ";
        std::cout << value << std::endl;

Here's the output with     std::string tagkey = "0119|1030";:

0119|1030:  LTFcLTBcMFwtMFwtMVwwXDBcMFwxIA==

Here's the output with     std::string tagkey = "0020|0037";

0020|0037:  -1\-0\0\-0\-1\0

Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
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