[ITK] Exception when running a filter inside an iteration loop

Nicolas Gallego nicgallego at gmail.com
Tue Jul 8 04:50:52 EDT 2014


I am using a filter to process an image in an iterative process, so my code
looks like this


    FilterType::Pointer filter = FilterType::New();

    filter ->SetSigma( 1.5 );

    filter ->SetField( reader1->GetOutput() );

    filter ->SetCertainty( reader2->GetOutput() );

    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) {

        try {


        } catch ( itk::ExceptionObject &exc ) {

            std::cerr << "Exception caught!" << std::endl;

            std::cerr << exc << std::endl;

            return -1;


        VectorFieldType::Pointer tempField = filter->GetOutputField();

        ImageType::Pointer tempCert = filter->GetOutputCertainty();



        filter->SetField( tempField );

        filter->SetCertainty( tempCert );



when I run it I get the exception after the update in the second iteration

itk::ExceptionObject (0000000000A1EF70)
Location: "void __cdecl itk::Image<class
itk::Vector<float,3>,3>::Graft(const class itk::DataObject *)"
Line: 138
Description: itk::ERROR: Image(00000000033EC890): itk::Image::Graft()
cannot cast class itk::DataObject const * __ptr64 to class itk::Image<class
oat,3>,3> const * __ptr64


anybody has ideas of what is it about?

I will extract an example code that reproduces the problem.

Thank you very much

Nicolás Gallego-Ortiz
Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium
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