[ITK] getting RawImageIO to work

Ronn Kling ronn at rlkling.com
Wed Dec 24 13:14:22 EST 2014

Hello All,

I am trying to read in a binary data file using RawImageIO.  When I step 
through with the debugger I get an error on the last line below about 
memory corruption. As far as I can tell I have everything correct, what 
am I missing?

           typedef unsigned char fixedPixelType;
           typedef unsigned char movingPixelType;

           typedef itk::Image<fixedPixelType, 3> fixedImageType;
           typedef itk::Image<movingPixelType, 3> movingImageType;
           // create a ImageIO for the raw data files
           typedef itk::RawImageIO<fixedPixelType, 2> ImageIOType;
           ImageIOType::Pointer fixedimageio = ImageIOType::New();

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