[ITK] [ITK-users] ITK 3D Registration parameters

Dennis Zobnin dennzo1993 at gmail.com
Fri Apr 25 08:18:31 EDT 2014

 Hi everyone,

I’m trying registration in ITK of 3D ANALYZE brain images and seem to get
lost in various registration components. As I’ve read in some papers, each
component should be chosen taking into account the features of my
particular task. But still it is very hard for me to choose the right ones.

Now I’m using RegularStepGradientDescentOptimizer with
MeanSquaresImageToImageMetric and LinearInterpolateImageFunction
(NearestNeighbor interpolator seems to produce worse result, BSpline
interpolator makes the program too slow). As for the metric, I’ve also
tried NormalizedCorrelation metric and it produces almost the same result,
but sometimes is slower. Current transform is AffineTransform. I’m sure my
images are correct (downloaded from IBSR). But I’m not satisfied with the

Could you please explain how to choose an optimizer, metric and

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