[ITK] [ITK-dev] Disable HDF5 IO on ITK trunk

Rashad M mohammedrashadkm at gmail.com
Fri Apr 25 03:36:49 EDT 2014


I am building ITK4 trunk version with default configuration for MinGW64 via
MXE. MinGW and related packages are installed from fedora 20 repository. I
had been sucessful building some other libraries but ITK4. The problem  is
coming from HDF5 which runs an executable during building, which by the way
is not possible on  a cross compile environment. I dont want to use wine
emulator here. So disabling HDF5 and related modules in ITK seems to be a

I had seen other discussion about HDF5 and ITK on this list but none of
them works for me. Is there a way to disable only HDF5 in other than turn
off ITK_BUILD_DEFAULT_MODULES. I tried to cmake -DModule_ITKIOHDF5=OFF and
didnt work.

I had also checked the kitware blog about building ITK for raspberry Pi.
and it helped to get over the configure stage. But I am now stuck with HDF5

Any help is much appreciated

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