[ITK Community] [Insight-developers] Problem with Visual Studio 2010

Bradley Lowekamp blowekamp at mail.nih.gov
Thu Nov 21 10:57:54 EST 2013

Hello All,

This seems like a familiar issue. 

I am trying to get a VS10 nightly going with Visual Studio 2010SP1. I am still working through a couple issue with the Task Manager, but I have run into the problem when trying to build ITK with BUILD_EXAMPLES from the GUI the build does not begin to make initial progress, ( I believe was msdev.exe soaking up the CPU ). If I recall correctly this happened before with too may targets/solutions. Then we disabled all the Header tests.

This is the script I was using to configure:

The dashboard builds from NSK1200009249 for VS10 seem like they are having some issue but not this. This system does not have Module_ITKReview on.

Are other people having this issue? Is it not an issue with Express?

Perhaps we should turn off EXAMPLES for VS10 by default?

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