[ITK Community] [Insight-users] Meaning of an expression in ITK!!

Hana Cherif hanacherif62 at gmail.com
Sun Nov 10 12:36:06 EST 2013

Hello, insight users!!

What is the meaninig of this expression please::

template <class TScalarType, unsigned int NDimensions, unsigned int
>>> VSplineOrder> BSplineBaseTransform<TScalarType, NDimensions,
>>> VSplineOrder> ::BSplineBaseTransform() : Superclass( 0 ),  m_CoefficientImages(
>>> this->ArrayOfImagePointerGeneratorHelper() )
such as: Superclass is a class predefined , i want to understand what is
mean the "(0) after "Superclass" and the comma between   Superclass( 0 )
and m_CoefficientImages (this is a member of the class BSplineBaseTransform)

Thanks in advance!!
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