[ITK Community] How to recompile only one module

Matt McCormick matt.mccormick at kitware.com
Sun Nov 3 17:11:45 EST 2013

Hi Michka,

"make help" from the top of the build tree will list all build
targets.  This can be piped to grep to find the target of interest.
The "-all" targets will build both the library and the tests -- the
target with out the "-all" will just build the library and its
dependencies.  Another approach is to "cd" into the "test" directory
for the module in the build tree and run "make" from there.


On Sat, Nov 2, 2013 at 4:47 PM, Michka Popoff <michkapopoff at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> I successfully built ITK in a folder. I then made some modifications to a ITK module, in the source dir.
> I thought I could use the make command from the module's build folder (like I already did in VTK), to only recompile the current module.
> But it's only going through the files to see if everything is already built, and the it's telling me : Built target NameOfTheModule
> My question is : How do I recompile only one module / one file ?
> My question may seem obvious for c++/ITK developers, but as a Phytonist I can not figure it out ...
> Thanks in advance
> Michka
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