[ITK Community] [Insight-developers] Rendered SimpleITK Notebooks

Bradley Lowekamp blowekamp at mail.nih.gov
Fri Dec 6 12:59:37 EST 2013


I took the first steps to getting the SimpleITK Python Notebooks available as static web pages. They are linked from the Github Pages ( thanks for the suggestion)  page:


I used nbconvert to change the ipynb to html. This is a separate manual process and requites the committing of the html with data into the gh-pages branch.

The alternative, would be to use nbviewer:


This would entail saving the output in the ipynb, and then using the nbviewer like so:


This is much easier to maintain as no additional conversions or branches are really needed. I thought the bulk of the image data would be a size issue, but it's still in the repo with the pages approach.

Does anyone have a thought on this choose? Would it be bad if the output was saved in the ipynb files too? How would this effect giving tutorials with the notebooks?

Thanks for your thoughts,
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