[ITK Community] [Insight-users] entry point for ultrasound cleanup

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Sun Dec 29 12:15:12 EST 2013


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On Mon, Dec 16, 2013 at 6:55 PM, Rishi Graham <rishig at soe.ucsc.edu> wrote:

> Hello all,
> I am pretty new to image processing and I need to clean up some 2
> dimensional ultrasound images.  Down the road I'd like to get into more
> interesting things like registration, but as an entry point I am just
> trying to despeckle and smooth.  I have been playing with ITK and like the
> tools so far, but there seem to be lots of options wrt existing filters
> (not to mention writing my own).  Do any of the experts out there have
> advice as to the best filters to use for these tasks, or survey papers I
> could read to get a start?
> Thank you for your time!
> -Rishi.
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