[ITK Community] [Insight-users] Compile time issue SimpleITK-0.7.1.post1 in Visual Studio 2012

Matias Montroull matimontg at gmail.com
Thu Dec 19 10:11:10 EST 2013


I've downloaded SimpleITK-0.7.1.post1 and I compiled it using Cmake
succesfully. Now, when I go to VS2012, and I build the solution, it takes
forever. I left my machine on during the whole night and when I woke up it
was kind of stuck.

Any reported issues with this?  The problem I have is that I downloaded the
DLLs but I seem to miss one class: BinaryMask3DMeshSource

I can't even import the DLL into my solution so I was trying to build it
manually to see if it worked. I was able to import only
SimpleITKCSharpManaged but not SimpleITKCSharpNative

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