[ITK Community] [Insight-users] Automatically finding spheres in 3D images

David Cole dlrdave at aol.com
Wed Dec 18 08:30:00 EST 2013


I have a task to write some code to detect spheres within an image 
automatically. The spheres are generally showing up as relatively 
uniform blobs with empty space around them, and they are of known size, 
and I know how many are supposed to be in the image.

I can isolate them and visualize them using connected components.... 
but there are other elements of the image that also show up as blobs of 
various shapes and sizes when I do so. Mostly quite a bit larger and 
not even close to spherical.

What's the best technique for analyzing the results of the connected 
components, and finding "nearly spherically shaped blobs" of a known 
diameter....? Is there a quick and easy solution, where I can simply 
use some existing analysis code in ITK...? Or will I have to dig in and 
write some myself?

Thanks for any pointers,
David C.

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