[ITK Community] [Insight-users] Issues with compiling ITK on a Mac 10.8.5

yael.grossman yael.grossman at mssm.edu
Mon Dec 16 15:28:52 EST 2013


I am extremely unfamiliar with ITK and only moderately familiar with bash
code, but I am trying to build ITK on my computer so that I can build and
access another program, ANTS, so if any answers could be extremely
simplified, I would find it immensely helpful.

I tried to install the newest version of ITK first, 4.4.2, into a new
directory within the same folder but consistently received only an error
message "Error in configuration process, project files may be invalid".

Then I read that I should try installing the earlier version of ITK, 3.20,
but am getting the same error message, and I don't know why.  I'm using the
cmake GUI for this with Unix Makefiles as the compiler.

Source code: /Users/yaelgrossman/Documents/ITK/InsightToolkit
Binary build: /Users/yaelgrossman/Documents/ITK/ITKbin (a folder I made in
the same directory)
Error message:
CMake Error: CMake was unable to find a build program corresponding to "Unix
Makefiles".  CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM is not set.  You probably need to select a
different build tool.
CMake Error: Error required internal CMake variable not set, cmake may be
not be built correctly.
Missing variable is:
CMake Error: Error required internal CMake variable not set, cmake may be
not be built correctly.
Missing variable is:
CMake Error: Could not find cmake module file:
CMake Error: Error required internal CMake variable not set, cmake may be
not be built correctly.
Missing variable is:
CMake Error: Error required internal CMake variable not set, cmake may be
not be built correctly.
Missing variable is:
CMake Error: Could not find cmake module file:
CMake Error: CMAKE_C_COMPILER not set, after EnableLanguage
CMake Error: CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER not set, after EnableLanguage
Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!

I've been struggling with this for nearly a week now and am at my wit's end,
so I would be extremely grateful for any assistance that may be rendered.

Thank you,

View this message in context: http://itk-insight-users.2283740.n2.nabble.com/Issues-with-compiling-ITK-on-a-Mac-10-8-5-tp7584618.html
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