[ITK Community] [Insight-developers] ITK's FindDCMTK.cmake cannot assign the correct DCMTK linking libraries accounding to build type

Mengda Wu wumengda at gmail.com
Wed Dec 11 23:12:58 EST 2013

Hi all,

   I found there is a recent update in the git version of
Modules\ThirdParty\DCMTK\CMake\FindDCMTK.cmake. Although it fixes the issue
of the one shipped with CMake install. This version still has a problem.

   It cannot assign the correct DCMTK linking libraries accounding to build
type. So for both debug and release build of my own application, in my
cmake generated vc projects settings, I saw both the DCMTK debug and
release libraries are in my Linker->Input->Additional Dependencies.

  Why is that?

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