[ITK Community] [Insight-users] inverting a deformation field - problem

Tim Bhatnagar tim.bhatnagar at gmail.com
Sun Dec 8 18:38:02 EST 2013


I've created a displacement field via Demons non-rigid registration. I am
now trying to create the inverse (using
InverseDisplacementFieldImageFilter), but when I am using the indexes to
ascribe the inverted field, my program crashes mid-way through, because it
appears I am trying to call a *negative* index (specifically, the 3rd index
parameter.. the 'z'-parameter).

I don't do anything to the displacement field except write it to a vtk file
before i invert it.. can anyone suggest a solution? I thought I could try
and specify the 'direction' of the field, but I'm not sure where in my
pipeline I can set the direction of the *inverted* displacement field...

sorry if that's messy.. any thoughts would be appreciated!



Tim Bhatnagar
PhD Candidate
Orthopaedic Injury Biomechanics Group
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of British Columbia

Rm 5000 - 818 West 10th Ave.
Vancouver, BC
V5Z 1M9

Ph: (604) 675-8845
Fax: (604) 675-8820
Web: oibg.mech.ubc.ca
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