[Cmb-users] Superbuild questions

David Thompson david.thompson at kitware.com
Sat Sep 24 19:45:18 EDT 2016

Hi Neil,

> I have a few questions related to updating/rebuilding cmb/smtk.
> 1. When cmb-superbuild is cloned (and submodules updated) does it pull in the current master head versions of cmb and smtk?

That depends on whether you have set the superbuild to developer mode or not. The default is not developer mode, which will fetch CMB and SMTK into the superbuild's **build tree** (i.e., not the superbuild source). They are currently both pulling the master branches, but that is likely to change.
> 2. To update my cmb-superbuild repo what do I need to do beyond 'git pull'?  I'm specifically thinking of the submodules; I've not encountered them before.

Yes, the superbuild recently changed and you need to

1. Run "git submodule update --init" in the source directory after pulling, and
2. Remove the "install" directory of any existing superbuild's build tree.

You should always do #1 when updating the superbuild. #2 is because of some recent changes and you should always need to do this, although it is a good step to try when hitting build issues.

> 3. I'm going to be testing model-builder on a workflow being developed, so I expect I'm going to want to be pulling in the latest changes on cmb/smtk.  What I'd like, is to use cmb-superbuild to build and package just the TPLs, which I can stick somewhere, and then build cmb/smtk from their repos, pointing to the TPL installation.  I'm sure this must be one of the workflows, but I don't know how to do it. I noted the DEVELOPER_MODE_{cmb,smtk} cmake variables, which I suspect are relevant somehow.

Yes, when the DEVELOPER_MODE_xxx variables are set, then only TPL libraries are built; you are expected to build CMB and/or SMTK elsewhere. Take care when you do this because you must use the same TPLs everywhere. On my machine, I will get system versions of boost, hdf5, gdal, etc. when I build SMTK without explicitly pointing CMakeCache.txt to the superbuild.

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