[Cmb-users] Missing SMTK library in Mac installer

Hines, Amanda M ERDC-RDE-ITL-MS Amanda.M.Hines at erdc.dren.mil
Fri Oct 2 11:00:09 EDT 2015


Ok, great. I was finally able to get paraview to build in the superbuild.
I had to turn on the USE_SYSTEM_HDF5 and USE_SYSTEM_NETCDF. This was a
little confusing to me because I had to set the ENABLE_NETCDF and
ENABLE_HDF5 parameters to on in the main build directory or it would
overwrite the values I set in paraview¹s build directory. The descriptions
for those two variables are confusing. Based on the descriptions, I
thought if they were turned on then superbuild would build those instead
of using the system libraries. I¹m in the process of building CMB and I¹ll
let you know if I run into anything else.


On 10/2/15, 9:55 AM, "Ben Boeckel" <ben.boeckel at kitware.com> wrote:

>On Tue, Sep 29, 2015 at 14:32:50 -0400, Yumin Yuan wrote:
>> I am forwarding this to Ben, who is our cmb-packaging expert. We will
>> to get this resolved soon.
>So after tracking down various bugs in the superbuild, here's a build:
>    Blockedhttps://open.cdash.org/viewFiles.php?buildid=4041736Blocked
>    d0098514d644e8aeffb7a776fcfaeec20ed2c378
>I'll upload it to the website.

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