[Cmb-users] Manual on readthedocs.org

David Thompson david.thompson at kitware.com
Sat Aug 15 16:13:32 EDT 2015

Hi all,

I've pushed some changes to a branch on my fork of CMB that get Dylan's excellent user's manual building on readthedocs.org. The manual appears at:

    http://cmb.readthedocs.org/    or
    http://cmb.rtfd.org/         (if you are feeling lazy).

The branch is at:


Because of gitlab and buildbot permissions, the version at readthedocs.org is only updated when I push changes to that branch of my fork. I have a request in to the sysadmin team asking how to integrate the required webhook. Once it's in place, the manual will be updated with each merge to master (and/or other branches, once we set release branches up).

If you are anxious to correct any of the documentation I fiddled with, please submit a MR against the read-the-docs branch in dcthomp/cmb.


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