[CMake] Internal Interface Libraries and Header Dependencies

Florent Castelli florent.castelli at gmail.com
Wed Jul 12 15:00:28 EDT 2017

If they were not propagated, it wouldn't compile at all, so they're 
definitely there somewhere.
Can you show your CMakeLists.txt files?


On 12/07/2017 19:59, Christian Mazakas wrote:
> To give a brief overview of what I'm trying to do, right now I'm 
> working on a project with tests. I want to abstract my implementation 
> into a library that I can then link to when building both a testing 
> binary and an application binary.
> The issue is, my library is currently header-only. So I figured that I 
> would generate an interface library out of this.
> However, the header dependencies are not being propagated out to the 
> resulting executables. This means that any changes in my header files 
> appear to be ignored and don't cause the dependent source files to be 
> recompiled. The only way I can get proper behavior is to call 
> "target_include_directories" directly on each one of my executables.
> For reference, I'm using the "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" generator 
> on Windows 10, building a CUDA project.
> Does anyone have any insight on this? I can post my CMakeLists.txt 
> file should need be.
> - Chris

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