[CMake] CMake fixup_bundle for ubuntu 16.04

Daniel Schepler dschepler at scalable-networks.com
Wed Dec 13 14:32:35 EST 2017

You would need to set the INSTALL_RPATH property of the targets to something like "$ORIGIN/../lib" .

You might also need to add "-Wl,--disable-new-dtags" to the CMAKE_*_LINK_FLAGS variables - otherwise, the RPATH settings will only take effect for direct dependencies of the executables (and any plugins or shared libraries) you build but not for dependencies of these dependencies.

(We also tend not to include copies of glibc or OpenGL libraries - for the former, that tends to have issues if there are any mismatches between the exact build of glibc included in the installer and the NSS modules from the system.  For the latter, the OpenGL libraries vary too much between Mesa and the NVidia and AMD proprietary driver versions for any one of them to work on all systems.)
Daniel Schepler
From: CMake [cmake-bounces at cmake.org] on behalf of Waldo Valenzuela via CMake [cmake at cmake.org]
Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2017 11:15 AM
To: Miklos Espak
Cc: cmake at cmake.org
Subject: Re: [CMake] CMake fixup_bundle for ubuntu 16.04

Dear Miklos,

thanks for the email, and your suggestions, but the problem with fixup_bundle in ubuntu is that is not fixing the libraries locations from the executables meaning:

if I execute the idd command like this “ idd ./app” where “app” is the executable, the locations of the library is still is “no found", that should be in the location that was copy after running the INSTALL.

when you set LD_LIBRARY_PATH is for a temporally solution, or permanent if I modified the environment configuration of O.S.. The idea is that I want to create a standalone application.

Under this scenario, if I have an executable called “app” and a shared library call “lib.so”, fixup_bundle should fix the location of the “lib.so” in the same folder where is “app”.

Then if I run the command "idd ./app” the output should be:

lib.so => “xxxx”, where xxxx is folder where is located “app"



On 13 Dec 2017, at 03:58, Miklos Espak <espakm at gmail.com<mailto:espakm at gmail.com>> wrote:


you need to add the directory where the Qt libs have been installed (along with your application binaries) to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH. In your case it is '/home/waldo/Developer/install/Release/bratumia/bin/', as I see.

Also, you do *not* need to add the Qt plugin directories to the library path. The plugins are loaded at run-time. So that they can be found, you need to install a qt.conf file in the bin directory with the following contents:


You also do *not* need to add "/usr/lib" and "/usr/lib/x86-..." to the library path. These libraries are searched for by default. If you did it because your Qt installation is there, that's wrong. The fixup_bundle function should have copied the necessary Qt libs in the install bin folder, so you just need to add that folder to the path.

Also, make sure that the DIRS variable contains all the directories where there are libraries to install, including dependencies.

I hope that helps.

Best regards,

On 11 December 2017 at 19:07, Waldo Valenzuela via CMake <cmake at cmake.org<mailto:cmake at cmake.org>> wrote:
Dear All,

I am working on a multi-platform desktop app with Qt5-VTK8, on Windows and Mac no problem to created the standalone app, but in Ubuntu 16.04  I have several problems.

I am using CodeBlocks to compile and run the app, and from CodeBlocks when I run the app there is no problem, it work normally like in windows and mac, but after run the installation, and If I want to run the app from the installation folder (./app ) I have several problems.

the CMakeList.txt is



MESSAGE("Project libraries: ${QTPLUGINS}")

        FIXUP_BUNDLE(\"${APPS}\" \"${QTPLUGINS}\" \"${DIRS}\")

First I have this:

-- fixup_bundle: fixing...
-- 132/260: fix-up not required on this platform '/home/waldo/Developer/Qt/5.6.3/gcc_64/plugins/imageformats/libqicns.so'
-- 133/260: fix-up not required on this platform '/home/waldo/Developer/install/Release/bratumia/bin/libQt5Core.so.5'
-- 134/260: fix-up not required on this platform '/home/waldo/Developer/install/Release/bratumia/bin/libQt5Gui.so.5’

-- 167/260: fix-up not required on this platform '/home/waldo/Developer/install/Release/bratumia/bin/libITKEXPAT-4.13.so.1'
-- 168/260: fix-up not required on this platform '/home/waldo/Developer/install/Release/bratumia/bin/libITKIOBMP-4.13.so.1'
-- 169/260: fix-up not required on this platform '/home/waldo/Developer/install/Release/bratumia/bin/libITKIOBioRad-4.13.so.1

then when I run: ldd ./app I have:

        libQt5Concurrent.so.5 => not found
        libvtkRenderingImage-9.0.so.1 => not found
        libvtkRenderingVolumeOpenGL2-9.0.so.1 => not found

then if I fix manually the path of the libraries like this:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/lib:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu:/home/waldo/app/bin/plugins/imageformats:/home/waldo/app/bin/plugins/platforms"

I can run the application from through the command line from the installation folder, but I have this message and I can not see nothing

QXcbIntegration: Cannot create platform OpenGL context, neither GLX nor EGL are enabled
QOpenGLWidget: Failed to create context
composeAndFlush: makeCurrent() failed

I think that the FIXUP_BUNDLE is doing nothing.

Any help is welcome.

Best regards,


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