[CMake] Integrating ROOT into Geant4 application

R0b0t1 r030t1 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 7 16:24:15 EST 2017

Mr. Odera,

On Thu, Dec 7, 2017 at 8:30 AM, Dim, Odera U <Odera_Dim at student.uml.edu> wrote:
> Hi CMake Experts,
> Please I use CMake to build my Geant4 applications with no issues. However,
> recently I needed to build ROOT into my Geant4 application for the purpose
> of extracting and processing simulation data. I have followed the many
> instructions which exist online both on the Genat4 and ROOT sides but none
> seems to produce the required results. The issue i'm having I believe is
> related to the linkage of both Geant4 and ROOT libraries top the generated
> executable during compilation. I am able to configure and generate build
> files with a CMakeLists with no errors. Compilation also seems to also
> complete with no errors but when I run the application I get an error which
> specifies that LLVM are exposed to Cling and so I need to hide them. In my
> CMakeLists (which I can provide to you) I do not explicitly link Cling to my
> executable all I do is link the executable to ROOT libraries
> (${ROOT_LIBRARIES}). Please, could you help me with this issue or do you
> know a way that I could link libraries and not expose LLVM to Cling? Thank
> you.

If you want help you really should try to answer some of the questions
I asked in my previous email. It happens that I have some experience
with the packages you are trying to use, but you seem to be using them
in a configuration I am not familiar with (i.e. you generated a
standalone demo that you want to distribute?).

It is important I know where you got the packages, how you built them,
and even better, what precisely you are trying to do with them; it
sounds almost like this is a question more suited to ROOT/Geant4
developers than this mailing list.


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