[CMake] CMake 3.3 and 3.2 bootstrap fails on OS X Yosemite

Damian Rouson damian at sourceryinstitute.org
Fri Oct 2 03:46:55 EDT 2015

> On Oct 2, 2015, at 12:23 AM, Nils Gladitz <nilsgladitz at gmail.com> wrote:
> I found http://hamelot.co.uk/programming/osx-gcc-dispatch_block_t-has-not-been-declared-invalid-typedef/ which says this is due to that bit of syntax (I've never seen that either) within /usr/include/dispatch/object.h being understood by clang but not by gcc.
> Other sources [1] seem to say that this bit of syntax is supported by gcc as it used to be provided by Xcode.
> I am guessing you are also using gcc without apple provided patches (e.g. homebrew)?

Correct.  I’m using gcc as provided by MacPorts.  The goal of this script is to assist users of OpenCoarrays (www.opencoarrays.org) who find it burdensome to install the OpenCoarrays prerequisites.  It would also be burdensome if I required them to patch their GCC.  In the worst case scenario, I could adjust the provided GCC build script [2] to apply the patch, but it’s kind of a lot to ask people to install a patched GCC in addition to the GCC they might already have on their system.   


[2] https://github.com/sourceryinstitute/opencoarrays/blob/master/install_prerequisites/buildgcc

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