[CMake] I'm using Cygwin on Windows. How can i get dependance target with out ":" in makefile.

王晓斌 wenty_wabhua at 163.com
Tue May 19 05:37:06 EDT 2015

    I'm using cmake on windows with Cygwin. 
    After I run "cmake -G "Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=debug ..\code\sip" , build info was witen to some dir.
But make command get an error Info :
    alg_sip/CMakeFiles/alg_sip.dir/build.make:54: *** target pattern contains no '%'.  Stop.
    The makefile is like this:
     1:      alg_sip/CMakeFiles/alg_sip.dir/W_/src_ios/alg/sip/source/p_sip_acr.c.obj: alg_sip/CMakeFiles/alg_sip.dir/flags.make
     2:      alg_sip/CMakeFiles/alg_sip.dir/W_/src_ios/alg/sip/source/p_sip_acr.c.obj: alg_sip/CMakeFiles/alg_sip.dir/includes_C.rsp
     3:      alg_sip/CMakeFiles/alg_sip.dir/W_/src_ios/alg/sip/source/p_sip_acr.c.obj: W:/src_ios/alg/sip/source/p_sip_acr.c
     4:        $(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_progress_report W:/scripts/test/build/CMakeFiles $(CMAKE_PROGRESS_1)
     5:           @$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_echo_color --switch=$(COLOR) --green "Building C object alg_sip/CMakeFiles/alg_sip.dir/W_/src_ios/alg/sip/source/p_sip_acr.c.obj"
     6:           cd alg_sip && D:/KIDE2.4/host/ide/cygwin/bin/cc.exe  $(C_DEFINES) $(C_FLAGS) -o CMakeFiles/alg_sip.dir/W_/src_ios/alg/sip/source/p_sip_acr.c.obj   -c W:/src_ios/alg/sip/source/p_sip_acr.c

   In line 3, " W: " was recognized as a dependent delimeter. So how can I make this to be a valid makefile?
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