[CMake] rpath to libstdc++.so

Bill Newcomb bnewcomb at nvidia.com
Wed Mar 4 18:29:47 EST 2015

In cmake 2.6, I could do something kind of bogus like this:

  get_filename_component(MY_COMPILER_PREFIX ${CMAKE_C_COMPILER} PATH)
  set(MY_RPATH ${MY_COMPILER_PREFIX}/../CentOS-5.7/x86_64/lib)
  set(CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH_USE_LINK_PATH TRUE)                                                                                      

and cmake would add an rpath to the libstdc++.so so I didn't have to 
set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to run executables that I built.

I know it's hideously non-portable, but this is for a project that has
rather minimal portability requirements.   

That behavior seems to no longer be present in cmake 3.x.  Is there a 
different way to achieve the same end?


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