[CMake] Workaround for CMP0026

NoRulez norulez at me.com
Wed Feb 4 07:47:09 EST 2015


currently I'm updating my CMake scripts to use newer features and/or to solve some old workarounds.

I have the following code:
  get_target_property(${PROJECT_NAME}OutputDirectory ${PROJECT_NAME} LOCATION_RELEASE)
    get_filename_component(${PROJECT_NAME}OutputDirectory ${${PROJECT_NAME}OutputDirectory} PATH)

install(DIRECTORY "${${PROJECT_NAME}OutputDirectory}/MyDir"
            DESTINATION share/myproj)

In the description for porting such code is to use "file(GENERATE...)"

If I use this, how can I then read the value?

The following gives me the error that the file doesn't exist (in release build):



install(DIRECTORY ${MYCONTENT}/MyDir DESTINATION share/myproj)

Without the "file(read" and install, the files are created.

So, how can i use such information for the install stuff?

I already tried "set_source_file_properties(${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/MyPath$<CONFIG>.txt PROPERTIES GENERATED TRUE)" but that doesn't work either.

Thanks in advance
Best Regards

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