[CMake] MPI wrappers vs FindMPI

Zaak Beekman zbeekman at gmail.com
Fri Dec 4 17:51:50 EST 2015

>From working on a Homebrew formula <
https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew/pull/46547> for OpenCoarrays <
https://github.com/sourceryinstitute/opencoarrays> I'm under the impression
that common practice is to use FindMPI over passing mpicc and mpif90 to
cmake directly. Is this correct, and the way most people expect to build
MPI packages with CMake? (i.e., using their normal compilers rather and MPI
wrappers for the CC, CXX and FC variables?)

What are the pros and cons of using FindMPI over passing FC=mpif90 and

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