[CMake] linking question

Bill Newcomb bnewcomb at nvidia.com
Wed Apr 15 18:07:47 EDT 2015

The following is all on Linux (with gcc, gnu binutils, etc).

I'm trying to build libfred.so that uses code from libjoe.a, but I want 
libfred.so to be complete, i.e. I don't want any program that I build 
that links to libfred.so also need libjoe.a.

Then I want to build executable mike that is dynamically linked with 
libfred.so .  However, the link script for mike puts libjoe.a on the 
command line.

add_library(joe STATIC joe.c joe_a.c)
add_library(fred SHARED fred.c fred_a.c)
target_link_libraries(fred joe)

add_executable(mike mike.c)
# mike only contains calls to functions in fred
target_link_libraries(mike fred)

The docs give me the impression that I should set the 
INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES property on moo to override the inherited 
transitive dependencies, but setting it to "" has no effect.  Same for 

Any idea how to make this work?


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