[CMake] install(EXPORT ...) includes target "B" which requires target "A" that is not in the export set

Nico Schlömer nico.schloemer at gmail.com
Thu Sep 11 16:51:21 EDT 2014

Hi all,

One of my projects contains two libraries libA and libB, where libB
depends on libA, and both are exporting their configuration through
the usual `INSTALL(EXPORT ...)` mechanisms.
I'm getting errors of the type
CMake Error: install(EXPORT "SEACASNemesis-exports" ...) includes
target "nemesis" which requires target "exodus" that is not in the
export set.
now, and I'm not quite sure what they mean. Do all of my export files
have to be self-contained?
In other projects of mine, CMake was happy to produce target files with
set_target_properties(teuchosnumerics PROPERTIES
  IMPORTED_LOCATION_NONE "${_IMPORT_PREFIX}/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libB.so.11.11"
without A appearing in the same target file.


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